Our Leadership

Our congregation is led by seven Boards, responsible for carrying out a variety of programs and areas of ministry.  Each Board consists of a Director (or co-Directors) who sit on the Church Council, plus other members who serve three-year terms.  Volunteers for each board are elected on a rotating basis.  The Boards of First English are:

  1. Bd. of Church Property
  2. Bd. of Evangelism
  3. Bd. of Social Action 
  4. Bd. of Fellowship
  5. Bd. of Parish Education and Youth Ministry
  6. Bd. of Worship & Music
  7. Bd. of Stewardship & Finance


The purpose of this board is to enlighten and involve the congregation in issues that affect our community and world.   Our projects include preparing bag lunches at least twice a year for 350 homeless for delivery to Central United Methodist in downtown Detroit, “bringing in the harvest” in the fall with donations of food items for our ongoing food pantry, and collecting blankets for Lutheran World Relief.

We also do various service projects for Lutheran Social Services of Michigan particularly their Heartline ministry to help women coming out of the penal system.  On Palm Sunday we hold a Red Cross Blood Drive.  The Crop Walk is a ministry of “Church World Service,” that supports hunger programs locally as well as around the world.

Our largest service project, the Giving Tree, is in December.  We provide food baskets and gifts for over 40 needy families.  And during the holiday season we organize an annual cookie walk.  Everyone deserves a yummy holiday!


Christian fellowship is an important part of the ministry of First English.  Whether it is just sitting down for a cup of coffee, going to a concert or going on a weekend trip.  God’s people need to share good times together.  To that end, our Board of Fellowship sponsors a wide range of enjoyable social activities for all ages, including Sunday morning coffee hours, Lenten lunches and dinners, Detroit Tiger baseball games, adult dances, Father’s Day BBQ’s, the Annual church picnic, our Halloween Trick or Trunk and a variety of other events.

Ideas and comments for strengthening fellowship through fun and interesting activities are always welcome.

In addition, First English has sponsored a number of overseas tours such as a trip to the Holy Land, In the Footsteps of Paul, as well as tours of Europe.


Education and the growth in faith that comes with it are vital to the Christian.  Anyone hungry for learning finds plenty to choose from at First English.  

  • Spark Church for our youngest members (learn more here)
  • Confirmation and Youth Group for teens (learn more here)
  • 9:30 AM Thursday morning bible study for adults
  • and more!


The Good News Singers – Adult choir (High School & up) rehearses weekly and sings most Sundays, September – June.  Open to all.
The Lord’s Company Singers – Grades 5-8, rehearses weekly and sings approximately once a month.
The Good News Ringers – Adult ringers meet weekly and play approximately once a month.
The Lord’s Company Ringers – Grades 5-10, rehearse weekly and ring approximately once a month.
The Soli Deo Gloria Ringers – A quartet of experienced ringers.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS – Our M.P. Moller organ was built in 1958 and expanded in 1975 to its present 41 ranks.  Our Steinway Concert Grand piano was purchased in 1986.
OPEN DOOR SERIES – First English sponsors approximately 7 musical events annually, including a Music Sunday Worship Service in December and June.
The L.I.F.E. (Laughter and Inspiration at First English) Players --Annual Musical Theater presentation each Fall on our own Luther Center Stage.


The purpose of our Women of the Church is to develop deeper stewardship of time, talents and treasures to serve the religious, missionary and charitable work of the church through appropriate social activities, study, programs and projects.  Individual circles are formed to participate in and cooperate with the purposes of the FELC Women.

We contribute toward the mission support plus donate to other charities.  Money is also allocated for various needs within First English.  The money to support these needs is derived from freewill offering envelopes for the Women of the Church, fund raising activities during the year and circle contributions.

The Women of the Church have two general meetings each year and all women of FELC are encouraged to attend.  There is a luncheon meeting in June and an evening meeting in October.  This is a good way to get acquainted with other women of the church and enjoy good Christian fellowship.

We currently have three circles which meet monthly at the following times:

Faith Circle -  1st Tues. 10:30 a.m. (Beverly Jackson (313) 771-9046)

Grace Circle-   4th Mon.  7:00 p.m. (Susan Reck (313) 8247629 susanreck1@yahoo.com)

Peace Circle-  1st Tues.  7:00 p.m. (Jacki Stein- (586) 961-6618 jjsstein@aol.com)

The purpose of the Altar Guild is the care and furnishing of the main and side altars. It also remembers the ill and shut-ins of the congregation with visits, cards, and phone calls.

The Guild is made up of 24 members, with two units, consisting of 12 members each: The Anna Unit cleans the chancel weekly, changes the paraments, and cares for the altar linens. Each member serves two months of the year. The Lydia Unit, with each member serving two months of the year, delivers altar flowers to the sick and shut-ins. They also care for communion vessels, baptismal font and napkins as needed.

The Guild orders poinsettias for Christmas and Easter lilies at Easter, which are used for decorating the altar area. Donated plants, which are not taken by donors after those services, are delivered to the sick and shut-ins.

The Guild is responsible for ordering, collecting payment, and reimbursing the florist for altar flowers. The flower chart is located in the church office for persons wishing to schedule a Sunday.

Church members, 75 and older, are remembered on their birthday with cards; those who are 80 and over are remembered at Christmas with a card, cookies, and a visit.

The Guild meets the first Wednesday or Saturday (alternating months) at
9:30 a.m., October through May.
